Winter is here & along with it there's some perils for our pets. One of the most common being antifreeze. As below, try to avoid using it if possible & use a more eco friendly alternative. As a pet owner make sure yours doesn't drink from puddles, lick surfaces notably drive ways or road surfaces. Anti freeze has a sweet taste that can be appealing to animals, so beware. Also after your pet has been outside, to be extra safe it would be good practice to wipe their paws clean. 🐕


Eurovision Week

Even dogs are getting in on it! 

Happy UK National pet day (11th April) from all at Wiggle Waggle.  Treat your pet to a lovely surprise or treat this week!

More Dog News

Puppy Classes quickly filling up.

Hurry up & enrol now. Only £20 per session for vital socialisation, tips, tricks, vital advice, obedience training & much more.

Wiggle Waggle Education Tour of Schools

Check our blog page for more details.  Wiggle Waggle are visiting local schools to educate kids on conduct & safety around dogs to promote harmony amongst children & our best friends. We already have firm bookings at Courthouse Primary (Maidenhead) Furze Platt Primary (Maidenhead) Cookham Dean Primary (Cookham) and Holy Trinity Primary (Cookham). All absolutely free & in the interests of the community. 

Wiggle Waggle Winter Warning!

As we're into the cold months of December, January & February, especially with the current icy cold spell be vigilant about the use of anti freeze & your dog (all pets in fact). If you spill any when topping your car up then be sure to thoroughly clean it up & check for any leaks from your vehicle. This substance has a sweet taste that is enticing to dogs BUT is deadly if they ingest it. Snow globes also often contain it, so if one breaks quickly clean any spillage. 

News & Events


Just a quick word as a dog behaviourist leading up to Firework season. Firstly if you need to see fireworks then please go to an organised display as opposed to us having numerous private displays in back gardens. Yes there's a health and safety aspect but also if neighbours have dogs, cats, you're near horses etc then the effect of fireworks can be at least traumatising & potentially lethal. Animals have bolted & died as a result of their efforts, had heart attacks or run off never to be seen again. Have respect for all pets in your area.
As pet owners please ensure your pet is kept indoors during the main active periods for fireworks. Draw curtains, turn up the tv, distract or comfort your pet. Do NOT take dogs for walks at times when there's a lot of activity, make sure they're taken in daylight hours or when its all died down. Don't allow pets in the garden at these times.
It may not be too late to desensitise your pet to firework noises. Download sounds of fireworks and play them at low levels to your pet, slowly increasing volume over time, but not beyond a point where the pet becomes agitated, your pet needs to be totally comfortable until you slightly increase volume.
Let's make sure pets don't suffer this year & pet owners & those who want to enjoy fireworks can all ensure their actions are considered & responsible.
CONTACT GRAHAM AT Wiggle Waggle to help desensitise your dog and for tips before Firework season is here
#dogtrainingadvice #dogtrainer #dogbehaviourist #fireworkseason

Mushrooms & Dogs

Please be careful to watch your dog in fields & even the garden,  some of the mushrooms that are springing up due to the recent wetter weather can be poisonous & even potentially lethal if ingested by your pet. Be vigilant & assess the area before letting your dog wander freely. 

4th October 2022. 


Take time today to be extra nice to your pets or go out & feed the ducks, garden birds etc.

Maybe today is the day you decide to give a rescue animal it's forever home or to donate to a worthy animal charity.
